About Desert Foothills Lutheran Church

Welcome! Desert Foothills Lutheran Church is a Missouri Synod Lutheran Church in Scottsdale, Arizona. Our mission is to connect people to Jesus. Through Traditional Church Services and Contemporary Church Services, we impart to all God’s children, young and old.

Our Vision

To be a divine oasis in a spiritually desolate culture, imparting to all God’s children, young and old, near and far, living faith in Jesus.

Desert Foothills Lutheran Church front

Our Beliefs

  • Who is Jesus?
    Well, Jesus is exactly who He says He is…the Son of God.  You don’t have to take my word for it, take God’s Word for what it declares.  The Bible, God’s Word has been tested for literally 1000’s of years holding up geographically, historically, and scientifically.  Jesus is both 100 percent man and 100 percent God.  A perfect, sinless individual who from His love gave His life on the cross that we may have an eternal life free from all suffering.  Who is Jesus? He is your friend, your protector, your Lord, your Savior.

  • What is the Bible?
    The word “Bible”is from a Greek word that means “book,” and let me tell you, it’s the best book you will ever read.  It contains history, narrative, prophecy, poetry, speeches, letters, and so much more.  Most important the Bible is the Word of God.  I know that this may sound weird, but the Bible is just that.  It is not a bunch of ancient fables and myths, but true accounts of people just like you and me, people who God wants to share His love with.

  • There is only one true God. He has revealed Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • We are all born sinful and therefore separated from the God who created us. We cannot from our own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, or come to Him. In other words, we are all powerless to save ourselves in any way.

  • God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world. He is both true God and true man. He lived a sinless life, suffered and died on the cross to pay the debt and the penalty that we, in our sinfulness, deserve. He bodily rose from the dead so that we, too, might be raised to eternal life. He ascended into heaven, and now sits at the right hand of God the Father, interceding for us.

  • Faith in Jesus Christ is a gift from God alone.

  • God gives His people the gifts of His grace, faith, life, and salvation through the Word – both the spoken Word of God’s promise in the Gospel, and the written Word in the Holy Scriptures – and through His blessed sacraments: Baptism and The Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion.)

  • The Bible is the inspired Word of God. It is His Word, His message of salvation for all people. The whole of Scripture finds its meaning and center in Christ Jesus.

  • In Baptism, Christ claims us to be His children. In these holy waters, His death becomes our death; His resurrection becomes our resurrection. In short, Baptism saves us by the Word and Promise of Jesus Christ.

  • In the Lord’s Supper, Christ gives us His true body and His true blood to eat and drink. In eating and drinking the bread and wine, therefore, we are strengthened by Him, in our faith, and given the gifts of grace, forgiveness, and everlasting life.
    Jesus will come again in the body, and take all believers to Himself. On that Last Day, all people will be raised from the dead. Those who are still alive will be “transformed”, as the Bible tells us. Those who are in Christ will be raised to everlasting life; those who are not in Christ will be raised to everlasting death.

  • The Holy Church consists of all believers of all times who have been called to faith in the Triune God and in Jesus Christ as their only Lord and Savior.

  • Christians are called, first and foremost, to live out our lives in Christ by loving and serving our neighbors. All of them.

Meet the DFLC Team

Pastor Mark headshot
Rev. Dr. Mark McCrory

Senior Pastor

Pastor Jeremy headshot
Rev. Jeremy DaPena

Associate Pastor

Michelle Jacobsen headshot
Michelle Jacobsen

Office Administrator

Pam Grass headshot
Pam Grass

Office Assistant

Christie Fletcher headshot
Christie Fletcher

Director of Worship

Kat Sievert headshot
Kat Sievert

Family Minister

Martha Betcher headshot
Martha Betcher

Preschool Director

Darcy headshot
Darcy Rinaldo

Youth Minister

Patty Wendel headshot
Patty Wendel

Outreach Leader

Nick Jensen headshot
Nick Jensen

Praise and Worship Leader

Rachel Wendel headshot
Rachel Wendel

Social Media Manager

Gracie headshot

Support Dog