Make An Impact

Are you looking for ways you can make an impact at Desert Foothills Lutheran Church? We would love your involvement or service. Below are just a few ways we could use your help. Also, be sure to check out our Ministries to see if there’s any groups you would like to join. Our Events Calendar also offers many fun things you can do.


Our Lord tells us that He loves a cheerful giver. Thanks for taking the time to cheerfully give a gift to Desert Foothills Lutheran Church. Online giving is an incredible tool that will help you remain faithful in your giving anytime and everywhere. Some of that work will be in our own back yard and some of that work will be in faraway places like Guatemala or Southeast Asia. Your gift is appreciated and we know that God will use your gift to make a huge difference in someone’s life.

Ways to Serve


At DFLC, we are blessed with lay people who enjoy serving as lectors. Each reads the Scripture aloud acting as a conduit for the Holy Spirit. Their great joy, prayer and preparation enriches the worship experience for all.


The congregation and the Pastors feel blessed that our young members wish to be a very important part of our worship services by serving as acolytes. Training is always provided. Acolytes light the candles, receive the offering, and assist with the Sacrament of the Altar. On special Holy Days, they will also carry the cross in the processionals and recessionals.


Our ushers warmly greet, provide information, and assist those attending our worship services. They ensure the safety, welfare and comfort of all. They direct how we proceed to the altar to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. When we have the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, they assist Pastor and the family.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a group of volunteers who are charged with the maintenance and preparation of the altar and its furnishings each week. The Altar Guild is an open group for all DFLC members and participation is on a rotating schedule. For information about becoming a member of the Altar Guild, contact the church office.

Welcome Desk

Weekly, we reach out to all those who are visiting DFLC for the first time or as regular visitors. The friendly faces at the Welcome Desk provide answers to questions, directions, and event details.


Greeter teams at DFLC are responsible for setting the tone before and after each worship experience. Greeters answer questions, get to know the community better through individual interactions, and support families getting in and out of our facilities. Greeter teams are open to anyone and service on a rotating schedule.


This team takes care of A-Z when it comes to food, drinks, and decor on Sunday mornings and throughout the year. Assist with the coffee and tea set-up during church service.

Do you have the gift of hospitality? Join this team!